Tuesday, May 25, 2010

killing my cheeese time

im taking alevels in science for roughly a week and a quater already
i think im crazy

all the chem , the bio , the mathS
fish those macaronies ! lol
im not dying or wadeva YET
thank gawd phew

there's just so much things to do!
er wait its jus STUDYING
yea i kno
only A thing

but ! study alot alot alot alot alot of stuff T.T
aiks !
im goin keh-kuu dy

when ur laptoping in the library
ppl who pass by will jus take a peek on wad u're up to

facebook la

kepochi ppl ! rawr

now im in the library waiting to kill time
got a society meetin at 6.30
and oh ! im not a christian and im joining a christian society tsk tsk tsk :P
yeaaa-arrgh !
manda, aint u proud of me? O:D lol

okay gonna stop here
time for chemistry x]

Friday, May 21, 2010

random shyt from college

today was the last day of the 1st week in college
we get to kno each other more and im getting use to the enviroment
there's lyk no awkward-ness or anything weird ._.

during bio practical, after our lecturer did all her talking , we had so much free time before class ends
we started camwhoring !
it 1st started when the guys took their phone and started snapping
so i took out my camera too! (:

here are some pics
we didnt get to take ALOT but still, there's pictures !


dis is the thing we admired when we first saw it,
a dissected rat in the jar

group pic!

one thing i lyk bout this pic is that, we're colourful! (:

sean's and samuel's face is jus so ..... :D [ the front punya ppl ]



not all of my classmates were in the pictures
i call them the COOL gang

when we were camwhoring, i saw these few guys sitting down looking at us camwhorin so
i was lyk jumping up and down wif my camera towards them and said

come come lets camwhore ! *wide smile*
their response : *silence*
they gave me no expression and no response ==
they looked at me as if im some physcho
depressing betul T.T

Thursday, May 20, 2010

addictive dou

listening to korean song when your studying is seriously

why ?
they really get caught in your head and you find yourself repeating the words
over and over and OVER AND OVERRRRRRRRRRRRR again!
eff !

i kept going "uh oh uh oh uh oh"
i didnt lyk it when i first heard it but after the 3rd time ,
i went back to Youtube for the fourth and fifth and tenth.

waste my time lyk nuts!
korean songs are mad addictive ==

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

2nd day in college

im in the mood to blog rite now
when actually im suppose to be studying xP
my brain seem to be saturated rite now
words just cant get into me brain ! rawr!

im glad i could rmb half of my classmates names today
half more to go !
getting to kno them more :)
theres alot of guys in my class ._.
wad happen to the girls har? lol

i thought my timetable sux
but compare to other classes timetables,
ours considered the very suang kind of timetable ._. lol

i lyk all my lecturers :D nice ppl

and now im getting familiar with the buildings in college and not losing my way anymore !
sayonara u useless map ! lol

oh on the 1st day i was too dumb enough to bring all my textbooks to class and yet
we NEVER use them,
according to the lecturers,
textbooks are lyk reference books to read at HOME
had to suffer carrying heavy books and walk class after class lyk a dungu in college on my 1st daY

aiks !
okay okay bak to studyin x.x

the doink doink and the baboon

okay im suppose to post this few days ago
but was yet lazy
went to pyramid with joe and we've watched the nightmare on elm street !


i can say the movie was awesssum
its not lyk those too fake or the-trying-to-make-the-movie-scary kind of movies :D

we then went to kota kemuning , ate snowice and walked around dis lakeside park?
isit wad they call? no idea ..
ah there's a lake and a park and ppls
so lake park filled wif ppls then x]
it took us roughly one hour to walk the whole park !
we aint turtles kay, mind you xP
the park is jus huge !!!!!
tiring but fun :P

ate dinner in an open air chinese restoran
restore our energy !!! rawr

presenting , the lazy baboon

baboon fetched me bak home and off to beds
we were both eff-ing tired and sleepy

Friday, May 14, 2010

student ID card

*sits down *
* stared at the webcam *
they seriously have such adorable webcam ._.

lady : cambridge alevels, science?
me : yeap (:
lady : *types stuff * okay look at the webcam

* looking and focusing *
lady :okay smile ah 3 ..2 ..

ringtone : barney is a dinosour from our imagination ~
lady : o.o
me : err sry, mother :D
lady : oh okay *smiles* okay smile 3..2..1 *SNAP !*

barger u jeremy !!!!!!

im so gonna kill you when i see u in college !
rawr !!!

p.s : my id card ugly dou T.T

Monday, May 10, 2010

first day of orientation

woke up early, mum fetched me to tarc
orientation starts at 10.30 but i got there lyk one hour early
was wondering myself infront of the college hall

met my 1st new friend over there , nixon saw :) mbs dude

we entered the college hall, heres some stuff they gave me before entering the hall

we had to changed into their light blue shirts and the hall was filled wif blue ppl ! lol
i was at the front row and met another new friends :)

then the emcees started talking , slideshows , principle talkin
blah blah

okay lyk i said i was sitting at the 1st row and infront of me there was this camera that i was ignoring the whole time until i saw my face in the blardy slide !
i was lyk oh my holie gawd chicken macaroni ! ._.
and was trying to cover half of my face wif the red notebook
pai seh mah !
let the ppl in the whole hall see meh

few seconds later jun ting who was in the hall too called me

eh ! i saw u on tv live !
== isssh

after the 1st orientation i went to the canteen wif my new friends
i met my high skul friends, they were lyk

oh i saw u on the slide ! x]

why do i have to come so early T.T if i came later i could have prevent myself from facing that blardy camera !
i hate u camera x.x

then the 2nd orientation where only all the pre-U's were assembled in another building
my gawd the lecturer was talking bout all the sc subjects, exams, blah
so stressed out! scary ._.
she's lyk pushing us man

after all the talking, zi jie's bro fetched me bak
thanks ! :)

wonder when my parents gonna let me drive to college :(
im a safe driver lah wei

Saturday, May 8, 2010

egg May 2010

today was great !
kinda tiring , but ahh who cares xP

too bad there's NO pic

my camera is abandon-ED , soon to be dead :P

so this post will be full of words depends how much i'll write lah xP

played badminton in the morning for one hour plus

somewhere in pudu which idk where exactly

but when i came out from dat place
' oh ! i see time square ! :D '
time square is just so huge and maroon eh ..
so i went to time square

met joe , walked around and crap while waiting for his primary friends

* zi jie , jia wei, these ppl lah and i didnt KNO chee chung is one of them !

went to pavilion, joe and his primary friends went for karoke
while i was hunting for something to buy for my mother since the next day is mother's day

got her a silver-ish vincci purse-lyk-bag? :P
sudah bo lui T.T

had lunch wif my colleagues at pepper lunch
man i didnt know that place is actually awesome ._.
the food was holie yummy ! lol


then i got myself a skirt and its F.O.C!

tsk tsk tsk

* hidung tinggi -ing*

went bak wif joe , the monorail was eff-ing crowded ! :(

squeeeeezeeeeeeeee ~

and yawh dats all for 2day :)

choaz !

Friday, May 7, 2010

what a day cause..

i feel like crying

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Peeeeeeeeeeeee license :P

im an official driver !
well i got my license for 2 weeks plus
and my license is still probationary
so im still a noobie :D
here's my fugly pic x.x


Sunday, May 2, 2010

the birthday thing !

happy b'day to the b'day boy ! :D

im mad proud on that day LOL

had alot of fun ! :]
let the pictures talk (:


group pic


free pancakes ! xD


LOL look at joe's expression x.x



thats all ! :)