I just love hanging out with my best friend.
You can see there's majiam of photos
of me and manda, me and manda, ONLY me and manda.
Idk I kinda lyk just the 2 of us going out.
No secrets. We just spill and no awkward-ness.
We HAVE to update each other no matter what :P
its lyk NOT reading the Sunday newspaper.
Which made other people think
I have very few friends T____T boohuu.
*beeeppp wrong*
My friends time and my time are SOOO different.
They're night owls. Im a frigging hummingbird that seldom love going out at night.
okay larh maybe not birds,
Im cinderella and they're lyk err the evil witches busy doing potion and have to saty up the whole night or whatsoever xP
plus, when Im free they're not, when Im not free they are.
So it sucks T.T
I only get to hang out with my schoolmates lyk what, less than 10 times in a year.
How sad it is.
Argghh barger, waiting for finals to end.
Random thoughts
One : Some people just takes things too personally
Come on, be realistic. Not everything or everyone revolves around you.
Two : Memories just takes too much memory
Three : Be stronger than the excuses.
Three : Be stronger than the excuses.