Sunday, September 19, 2010

beauty expo

there's this exhibition in klcc which is known as beauty expo where they have really cheap beauty products


once my mum and i entered the place
look at the amount of stuff they got there !
make-up, BB creams, mask, hair products, blah~
giler banyak stuff la wei.

spend alot on those bb cream and hair stuff
i didnt buy any make-up products cause
i dont know and often use make-up
sob :(

oh ya. one more thing
wads wif ppl and this fake eye lashes man !!!!
my gawd!


yawh i kno its really very common everyone is wearing them.
except some who dont and im one of them T.T
*palm face*
how i wish i knew how to wear them
if im lyk a fake eye lashes fan
i guess i'll be lyk grabbing every single nice fake eyelashes i see lyk a mad woman
since its having promotion