Thursday, July 9, 2009

report card day

hmm today was alright sort of except for the incident happened dis morning ==

on the way to skul my mum and i had some conversations

mum: so girl hows ur result?
me: oookay okay la.. so so
mum: how many A's?
me: 5?
mum: wah not bad girl
me: SWT thx
mum: then got fail ah?
me: nope
mum: oh gud gud eh how bout ur add math? got A oso?
me: no la impossible xD
mum: then? B?
me: err ...not really
mum: huh? then wad grade?
me: errrrrr.... .... D?
mum: WAD?! D????? ...

[ blah blah ]
and here she goes again..
darn u add math !


so last nite, i was quite tired doing sum stuff
around 12 i slept
After tat i woke up and looked at the clocked i saw it was 6.50am!
i pop my eyes wide open and was lyk" omg im late! im late ! s**t"
then quickly went to the toilet to brush my teeth
a 3 min bath and quickly gettin ready everything and panicking at the same time

i rush to my sis room and said

me: JIE!!! Im LATE ! wake up wake up ! fetch me to skul now.. HURRY HURRY GOGOGO!
sis: har? but yesterday u said today u had no skul?
me: [ pause ] 0.0 .... ... wad?
sis: ya wad.. u said dat
me: wait [ thinkin ] ... ... .. are u serious?
sis: yaaaawh

then i realize today was report card day and din had to go to skul ==

my blurnesss sigh
in the end went bak to sleep wif my uniform on..