i had to sleepover in manda's house b4 we leave to penang
we eventually didn't sleep the whole night
at 5.30 am we left the house
i had a very bad flu and had to wrap my face wif a towel -.-
we slept in the car lyk nobody's business
penang !!!!!
went to gurney
jus view the pics (=
a starbucks is a must ><
pantle ! a gift from manda =)
loner haha
owh we tried doin a jump shot and it kinda blury though
manda's 3rd attempt
manda's 4th attempt
melia's 1st attempt
bwahaha turtle jumps better than a panda
we had to live in manda's cousins hs and dis the place we stayed
and they own a sixhu which is sooo adorably cute !
it loves lickin ppl
the name is sam
sam is bout to lick those feets !
why so serious
put a smile on ur face ! lyk me ! lol
the nex day
we went to manda's uncle's saloon
did our hair
choosin a hair colour is stressful i tell u !
why on earth there's sooo many kinds of brown in a book
i took lyk 10 min to decide lol
the second i saw my colour done
oh-my-holy-gawd holy-cow-of-jupiter
the colour in the book and my hair is soo the diff !
i mean its obviously my hair colour is way brighter than the one in the book
ppl said it was nice
but i find it soooo lala T.T
after manda and i did our hair
we did wad bff's do ..camwhore !
later off to queensbay !
was suppose to meet my penang friends and manda's penang's friends but they were all busy
except one of my fren =) glad to meet him
me and kevin
after shoppin and stuff we head bak home
and camwhore again
manda and i tried doin so called common poses
normal pose
peace pose
omg i hav no idea why i did dat
sam the dog is quite trained
look at how manda did
sam targeted his beloved pink porcuppine
in a ready position
it jus sat there for quite sometime
and it was my turn to do it
hehe a gud start
ahh shoot ..-.- failed
we got mabuk all of a sudden
nex morning
its our last day in penang
camwhore wif victoria [ manda's cousin ]
then later bak to the saloon cause manda's hair was actually not completely complete yet
after manda finish highlighting her hair ..camwhore again !
blurest pic of the day haha
the sun was roasting our eyes man
bak to kl !
i was lyk a dead zombie in the car
very tired and slept. hair was a mess !
until we bought sum snacks and poff ! i feel so awake baybeh ! lol
manda wif her fish satay nom nom nom !
uncle wif his fish satay nom nom nom!
and im wif my mr jacker ! crunch ! lol i still look half zombie-ish
i was bored
last camwhore before reachin kl
edit : sry i din take pic of the food we ate . kinda malu to take pic of the food in front of manda's relatives hehe
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