lazy to write alot since there's kinda alot of photos here
so let the pics talk
i got a free make over at MAC
and did a not lasting baby curls on my hair for prom (=
and oh ya the make over at mac was so bazaar
i look as if i was goin to kill someone u kno
those assasin or ninja thing
so i had to err tone down the make up [ the eyes the eyes ! ] myself
me and manda
me manda and michelle
me manda michelle and lester
me and yee thong
me and keith
i met penny in the prom too =]
las vegas baybeh lol
grandpa wif his guitar
lester and his drums
from left : adrian eugene and sabrina
the guys
da big card
da card and manda's beloved nails lol
manda and zi xin
me and lester
lenny and joyee
dis lady is an ex miss malaysia (=
primary fren, calvin (=
errr noel or nicky ah?
sabby !
after eating and stuff we started dancing on the dance floor and man it was awesome
credits to calvin who took dis dancing photos
after dancing for lyk more than an hour my leg hurts lyk hell
i mean imagine dancing wif a 4-inch high heels T.T
so i took off the killer heels and walk bare foot
all of us took off our killer heels
zi xin and zi tian
zi tian
tin mine club
the pics are all mess up hehe
gonna upload more in facebook but lazy upload laaaaaaa