and we won not really a big deal though haha we had fun though (=
kinda high 2day .. guess its due to eatin too much of asam
we took few pics !
TO ah beng : how dare u drop my baby [ camera ] -.-
here are some pics :
chia wen jia and me
seraya vs mewah ! bwahaha we hav more ppl here ..
givin them hamper =/ man i look damn short -.-
dun wan giv the hamper bak ..greedy fella ! hoho
dis dude is a ketua pengawas in his skul ..and his doin dis ..random!
lol ..dis pic ...those ppl at the bak make me look so retard..heng ! x.x
lol din get to look at the camera haha
i dun even kno wad its sayin but its cute haha
givin ah bo 100 plus lol
ah beng wif his lolipop.. din gimme
da hamper
ah bo again ..and 1/4 of jia's face haha
chia wen shud buy a red shirt man
jia jia and me(=
chia wen and jia